The Trials of Anakin Skywalker


Let's Go All Ready!

“So, you want to follow your grandmother’s path to darkness, Kelian? I don’t think so,” I said, staring her down.

She pointed her saber at me. “My grandmother was one the lost ones, one of the Jedi you never hear about although. After what she did, the Order completely disowned her. She never existed to them.” I opened my mouth to ask but she cut me off. “Ask Kenobi, he knows. Ask him about Liflan. That is, if you live.”

I ignited my saber. “Oh, I’ll live.”

“Live for what? Live to fight the good fight? What’s the point, Anakin? The war never ends and the Republic will fall, you know it. Is really worth it any more? The fighting, the death, all of it?” she asked, something flashing her eyes I couldn’t read.

“Fighting for peace is worth it.”

Kalian smiled. “And what you get from it, Hero? Has the Counsel made you Master yet? No, of course not. They are too scared of you. I wonder why. Maybe they know deep down inside, your soul is as dark as mine.”

I glared and shook my head. “What happened to you?”

“I woke up. Just like you will. One day, you’ll see the true path and you will walk it,” she said.

“I don’t think so. Becoming a Sith isn’t appealing to me.”

She laughed. “I’m not Sith, Ani. There can only be two, remember? A Master and an Apprentice. I’m merely a follower, a minion.”

“And a bloody fool.”

Kalian stepped closer. “Maybe I am a fool, but I am a fool on the winning side.”

I blocked her blade as it came towards my head and the fight was on.

Posted by Skywalker :: 9:48 AM :: 12 Holos Received

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