The Trials of Anakin Skywalker


Vader: Idots

“Lord Vader, the wormhole had a shift that sent her through but farther back in time than she was meant to go. She could have gone anywhere.”

I stared at the man in front of me. Useless. All of them useless. None of them can do anything efficiently. I would gladly like to kill each on of them, one by one.

“I told you to track the beacon on ship. I personally installed that beacon. It was one of my own designs. It will have a signal, even though a wormhole,” I spat.

“Sir, we did that. There isn’t a signal. That could only mean the ship crashed and was destroyed-“

I swirled around and he snapped his mouth shut. “The ship may have crashed but there is a signal. If you and your pathetic men knew what you were doing, you could find it!”

He cleared his throat nervously. I smiled to myself. I do enjoy this reaction in people. “Yes, Lord,” he muttered.

“Get out of my sight,” I said and stormed passed him.

Of course there was signal. I could sense it and I could sense her. If she was dead, I would know it. I stomped into the control room and shoved the little man working at the terminal out of my way.

I found a faint signal and I could feel the man behind me get horrified. I came around. “There is the signal. Track it, widen the range as much as possible. Find out where she went through the wormhole and prepare my fighter, download the course to the nav computer.” I paused, breathing. “And make it fast. I grow tired of waitithe delay.”

He blinked and rushed to work.

Alarms went off on the ship. “Lord Vader, four Alliance cruisers just hopped out of lightspeed right in our path,” A voice came over the comm.

At least I can have a little fun while I have to wait.

Posted by Darth Vader :: 11:08 AM :: 0 Holos Received

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